The Trident Model - SEO Copywriting Best Practice

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“I’m excited to share todays post, we will breakdown an entirely unique way of looking at the art and science that is SEO copywriting

I will introduce the “Trident Model”, which is our very own way of conceptualising SEO copywriting at Concourse Marketing.”

What You Must Know About SEO Copywriting Services

SEO copywriting, (search engine optimisation copywriting), is the art of balancing your copy or written word to satisfy three different criteria simultaneously, we use the “Trident model” to illustrate this balance. Your copy must satisfy search engines, individual users and business objectives all at the same time. We will explore how to implement the Trident model to ensure your SEO copywriting is superior.

When we are creating content and SEO copy it isn’t all about how the reader engages with the text it is also how we inform search engines exactly what we are writing from the implementation of keywords alongside a pinch of sales copy that underpins the text to optimise conversions and meet business objectives.

By implementing SEO copywriting on your websites primary pages, landing pages or blogs you are increasing your rankings in the search engine results pages (SERP’s), which means your content reaches more people that may benefit from your content. You are also optimising conversions by integrating sales copy that leads your prospects through your conversion process.

SEO Copywriting Services Defined

There are different approaches to SEO copywriting and therefore different answers to the question, what is SEO copywriting services? Neil Patel defines SEO copywriting as, “useful, compelling and valuable content that targets specific keywords”. This also begins to uncover what is SEO copywriting technique, as it touches upon the implementation of keywords.

This is a nice concise SEO copywriting definition that explains very clearly what SEO copywriting is, although we would just add that SEO copywriting also includes the integration of business objectives and sales copy to optimise conversions, this must also be considered when confronting what is SEO copywriting services head on.

By making your copy SEO friendly you are considering statistics to help you write the most in-demand content possible. Throughout a blog post for example you will implement a primary keyword that the page is targeting alongside LSI keywords that compliment the search intent for the keyword you are targeting.

Alongside the copy being SEO friendly, it needs to also guide the user to a call to action (CTA), this in isolation is known as sales copy. Crazy Egg defines sales copy as “text that persuades consumers to buy a product or service”, this sales copy definition is to the point, but we would just add that sales copy isn’t necessarily limited to just a product or service but is persuasive text that leads a prospect from A to B in a variety of contexts.

The Trident Model - SEO Copywriting

This leads us onto how to do SEO copywriting, the Trident model is an SEO copywriting model that illustrates the balance between sales copy, SEO friendly copy and user-friendly copy that needs to be implemented into any given piece of content. It is a model we developed at Concourse Marketing to guide content creation specifically for blogs and landing pages.

Depending on the context of the content the weight of these three criteria changes, as a landing page for instance will be more transactional (sales copy based) than a blog post (user friendly based and educational).  When directly confronting what is SEO copywriting services the Trident model attempts to illustrate the balancing act that is involved when producing high quality content.

The truth is that the more you head in one direction the more you compromise another area. For example, if you write a piece of content that is very heavy in terms of sales copy the content will be perceived as too transactional and will therefore be a detriment to your user friendliness.

You can see these different facets illustrated on the Trident model bellow. The aim is to reach the optimal balance where all three criteria are met whilst also considering the context of the content you are creating.

The Trident model is dependent on the context of the content, a landing page for instance will allow for much more sales copy than a blog post as the expectation of the reader and search intent of the reader that visits your page is different. The Trident model is simply an illustration that guides you to consider the optimal balance between sales copy, SEO friendly copy and user-friendly copy.

the trident model of SEO copywriting

The Benefits Of SEO Copywriting Services

Now we have outlined what is SEO copywriting services, let’s explore the benefits of SEO copywriting for your business. These benefits are to highlight what can be achieved from optimal SEO copywriting and the implementation of the Trident model.

  • Increase rankings in the SERP’s
  • Target the people you are writing for specifically
  • Increase overall visibility of your content
  • Increase organic traffic to your website
  • Optimise sales, conversions and leads
  • Increase your authority on the subject
  • Target specific geographical locations
  • Target specific psychographics
  • Develop brand positioning and identity
  • Prevent traffic obstruction & penalties
  • Minimise opportunity costs
  • Create more effective copy than your competition
  • Increase your return on investment
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Should You Invest Into SEO Copywriting Services?

SEO copywriting services can have a significant and beneficial impact on your content, but it is important to consider that SEO copywriting is just one component of an overall SEO strategy. If you invest into SEO copywriting in isolation and neglect the other important ranking factors for SEO success, then you will not reap the full rewards of SEO.

Optimised content is always going to trump content that is out of balance. Writing copy that is too transactional, not optimised for search engines and that users struggle to digest is certainly not going to do you any favours and will obstruct you from conveying your message the way you intended.

This will result in search engines rejecting your content decreasing your visibility, it will turn people off in terms of engagement and will mean you are leaving money on the table regarding your conversions and lead generation.

SEO copywriting is the foundation to any successful overall SEO campaign, and we would recommend that you ensure your content is optimised for users, search engines and conversions. You have the option to manually do this yourself if you’re able to do so or alternatively get somebody to optimise your copy moving forward for you.

Which route you take will still require investment, whether that be an investment of your time to increase the quality of your copy or the financial investment to bring in an SEO expert that can ensure your SEO copywriting is balanced for users, search engines and conversions. I hope that we have covered what is SEO copywriting services enough to provide some insight that can help the future of your business.


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